welcome to my hellsite!

mouse, she/her, bisexual.

heyy! im calling myself mouse here for the sake of anonimity but i go by other names. i wanted to make a really loud feeling corner of the internet here, every twist and turn screaming at you in a different way, hell, i might even make a few shrines!

my index page for this site contains a few links to things but, theres still secrets. you wanna see the original version of this website? try replacing index with archive on the index page!

i am a big fan currently of the german industrial band KMFDM, i both like the art which is done by adrian "brute" hughes, aswell as the music.

most of this site is copy and pasted from other sources, but i try my best to credit my main ones. i probably SHOULDNT take so much from other people but it makes things alot easier.

aside from this little internet excursion i am a digital and traditional artist. i make stuff basically. i may post my art here someday but, it doesnt feel like an obligation really, i just make stuff and all.

i dont really understand coding, lol.